Rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis).—A hardy evergreen shrub easily grown from
seed, the leaves of which are used for making Rosemary
tea for relieving headache. An essential oil is also
obtained by distillation. A dry, warm, sunny border
suits the plant. Sow in April and May.
The evergreen leaves of this shrubby herb are about 1 inch long,
linear, revolute, dark green above and paler and glandular beneath,
with an odor pungently aromatic and somewhat
camphoraceous. The flowers are small and pale blue. Much
of the active volatile principle resides in their
calyces. There are silver and goldstriped varieties, but
the green-leaved variety is the kind used medicinally.
Rosemary is propagated by seeds, cuttings and
layers, and division of roots.
Seeds may
be sown upon a warm, sunny border.
taken in August, 6 inches long, and dibbled into a
shady border, two-thirds of their length in the
ground, under a hand-glass, will root and be ready
for transplanting into permanent quarters the
following autumn.
may be readily accomplished in summer by pegging
some of the lower branches under a little sandy
Rosemary succeeds best in a light, rather dry soil,
and in a sheltered situation, such as the base of a low
wall with a south aspect. On a chalk soil it grows
smaller, but is more fragrant. The silver- and
gold-striped kinds are not quite so hardy.
The leaves can be harvested any time.
Harvest no more than you can use fresh, as they loose
most of their flavor when dried.
It is outstanding with
lamb or chicken, great with baked potato spears, and
makes a refreshing summer drink. Rosemary has other uses
as well—as a Christmas decoration, potpourri or moth
repellent ingredient, or in aromatherapy (its scent is
thought to be stimulating.
The oil of Rosemary is used in perfumes
and cosmetics. It has also been used as a moth
Sprigs of rosemary were placed
under pillows at night to ward off evil spirits and bad
dreams. The wood was used to make lutes and other
musical instruments.